This is just a brief note. It finally snowed, and as it was a holiday yesterday the city apparently didn’t have recourse to its usual crew of road-preparers. So I woke up to a clear street in front of my apartment house (it’s the main street running through downtown). The snow was light and powdery and came easily off my car. So I hopped in and went up the hill and down and… entered a wilderness of ice and slush and slippery roads. After few terrifying blocks, I managed to turn around, and managed to get back down and up the hill (my brakes made SOUNDS that I never want to hear again!) and parked in the city parking garage and went home and called out. Today I got in late, but the roads were much clearer, and they had dried up considerably so the home trip was fine. But I decided to park in the garage again as our street where I usually park was as usually half ice and snow and I didn’t feel like trying to fit into one of the vaguely car-shaped depressions that were here and there. I need to walk anyway. But it was freezing cold, so I’m not looking forward to tomorrow.
That’s the weather report. The site report is: I finally closed comments on the older posts that were getting nothing but spam. I am keeping comments closed. I have had enough of people’s opinions about the things I say over on the Bad Social Media Site. Here this will be my site for my thoughts alone. I may put up a link to the Bad Site so people can yell at me there, and I can block them.
That’s all for now. Nikki is yelling at me. She probably wants a layer of new food on her bowl of dry food, or for me to settle back on the couch so she can lie next to me. It’s cold in here too so I’m going to turn on the heated throw. I feel like plugging in the other ones too but I don’t want to cause this place’s antique electric system to short out. I will continue my Florida trip story in a later post.